28 DOSL- Sam 2023
I am trusting
“I admit I felt a little funny signing up for the 28 Days of Self-Love series, as the overwhelming majority of its participants are women. Acts of self-love and self-care aren’t widely embraced among men in our culture. But before we distinguish “man” from “woman”, from “fluid”, we are human beings all desiring to be known, to be loved, and to love. What on earth isn’t “manly” about caring for oneself? It’s the wellspring from which we can be our best in the world.
One of the superpowers of women, that I think men could really learn from, is the value of reflection, self-care and vulnerability. Meanwhile, (and I think a lot of men can relate) I’ve been taught somewhere along the line that I’ve gotta “lock it up”, and that criticizing myself to no end is the way to achieving my goals and general happiness. This just doesn’t work and frankly I think is a huge contributor to the “toxic masculinity” you hear talked about.
So in considering how absurd it actually is that there’s something wrong with me doing this self-love-focused photoshoot, I figured that if not on principle alone, I am definitely participating. And I’m glad I did. I hope more guys will follow suit because I had a great time and I was positively impacted by the experience.” - Sam
© All images copyright of Shelah Riley